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Indexing Data Base


  • Evaluation of the productive and reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows reared in a warm Tunisian (Mediterranean) climate

    Evaluation of the productive and reproductive performance of Holstein dairy cows reared in a warm Tunisian (Mediterranean) climate

    Evaluation des performances productives et reproductives de la vache laitière de race Holstein élevée en climat Tunisien (méditerranéen) chaud. BRAHMI

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  • Pistacia lentiscus extracts as a valuable source of antioxidant compounds

    Pistacia lentiscus extracts as a valuable source of antioxidant compounds

    Les extraits de Pistacia lentiscus comme source de molécules antioxydantes S. RGUEZ1, 2 I. BETTAIEB REBEY1 S. BOURGOU1 M. HAMMAMI1

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  • Adaptation of the IDEA’s indicators method for the evaluation of the Tarentaise cattle breed sustainability

    Adaptation of the IDEA’s indicators method for the evaluation of the Tarentaise cattle breed sustainability

    Adaptation des indicateurs de la méthode IDEA pour l’évaluation de la durabilité d’un élevage bovin de la race Tarentaise Najjar

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  • Ethnopharmacological survey, phytochemical screening and study of antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Melissa officinalis L. from northwestern Tunisia

    Ethnopharmacological survey, phytochemical screening and study of antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Melissa officinalis L. from northwestern Tunisia

    Enquête ethnopharmacologique, criblage phytochimique et étude des activités antioxydante et antibactérienne de Melissa officinalis L. du Nord-Ouest Tunisien Saber Jedidi,1,2

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  • Prospective analysis of low flows in a climate change context in West Africa: case of the N’zo-Sassandra watershed (West of Côte d’Ivoire)

    Prospective analysis of low flows in a climate change context in West Africa: case of the N’zo-Sassandra watershed (West of Côte d’Ivoire)

    Analyse prospective des débits d’étiage dans un contexte de changements climatiques en Afrique de l’Ouest : cas du bassin versant du

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  • Biological aspects of the Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) in Tunisian waters: implications for fishery management

    Biological aspects of the Bluntnose Sixgill Shark, Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) in Tunisian waters: implications for fishery management

    Sami MILI (1) Raouia GHANEM (1,2) Rym ENNOURI (1) Dhaker TROUDI (1) Hajer ZARROUK (1) Samira JABBARI (3) 1Université de

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