- Category: Volume 80
- Hits: 2039
An Econometric Estimation of Irrigation Water Demand in Nadhour region (Tunisia)
1Ecole Supérieure d’Agriculture de Mograne, Université de Carthage. Tunisia.
2Commissariat Régional au Développement Agricole de Zaghouan. Tunisia.
Abstract - Irrigated agriculture has been analysed in Tunisia in recent years because of its high-water consumption and its apparent inefficiency. Several possibilities for water policy have been debated, in particular the pricing of irrigation water. This paper aims to contribute to this discussion by addressing the irrigation water demand and testing the effects of water costs, production value, inputs expenditures, and crop production acreages. Limited surface water supplies, increased pumping costs, and a growing concern over declining groundwater levels are identified as key economic and environmental challenges facing the Nadhour region in Tunisia. The goal of this study is to develop and apply an econometric analysis to examine the expected effect of water price (cost) and others factors on water use. Data area are collected by a survey conducted nearby 140 farmers in the public and private perimeters at Nadhour region in the north of Tunisia. The price elasticity of irrigation water demand and other elasticity were also estimated using Ordinary Least Squares facilitated SPSS.13. main findings show that irrigation water demand is less responsive to water price changes. Thus, the estimated elasticity is -0.655. Results also show that irrigated area and vegetable acreage are the most determinants of water demand. It’s showed too, that water, seeds and mechanization are complementary inputs. The results of this study indicate that the economic value of water used. Based on the findings, this paper recommends that emphasis should be put on effective and efficient use of water in order to improve its productivity. Various water management strategies should be practiced to boost up the water productivity. Furthermore, if possible, restrict crops cultivation to only rainy season by making more effective use of rainfall. Decision maker can apply a seasonal water pricing.
Keywords: Water Demand Elasticity, Water Pricing, Irrigation, Water scarcity, Arid area.